The Online Home of the
Station Wagon
Dedicated to preserving information about the classic station wagon

Hello....Please read before going further....

You may have noticed that this site has been inactive since the spring of 2002. Family and job concerns left me with little time to continue updating the information here. I do hope to get back to working on this someday; I have continued to collect pictures/info and have a huge trove of wagon materials, but I'm not sure when that will happen.

In the meantime, wagons (often by other names) have grown in popularity, and the older wagons are also drawing more fans. So if you have a wagon you are proud of, please feel free to send me a picture and information. I'll store them with everything else and will get to it someday. Meanwhile, enjoy the five years of information still stored here......

Steve Manning.......August, 2004


Recent Wagon Highlights

Click here to do a 'Yahoo!' search
for news stories on "station wagon"

Ideas or comments? Send us an e-mail!

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(449 models)

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Sale &
Wanted Ads
Updated Daily!

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Facts &

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Books &

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(station wagon club)

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About Us


You are visitor since October 15, 1997

"Station wagons: There is no finer American institution." David Freiburger, Editor, Car Craft magazine, in the February, 1998 issue


This site has been featured in these and other publications:
cnnin_logo.gif (2650 bytes)   Gannett.gif (2943 bytes)   nytimes_logo.gif (2808 bytes)
TODAY AWARD globe_and_mail.gif (770 bytes)   

These pages created primarily with Microsoft FrontPage 
Site management handled with Adobe Page Mill

This site came alive in July, 1997.
It was last modified on March 3, 2002,
except for the "For Sale" section (which is updated daily)

Copyright © 1997-2002  Steve Manning
. All Rights Reserved
The author is solely responsible for the content in these pages and the opinions expressed herein.
No station wagons (or other automobiles) were harmed to create this website

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Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Other products and companies referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or mark holders.